Planting Seeds in Our Neighborhood
AMEN members Drs. Andi & Bob Hunsaker decided to turn the ‘coronavirus scare’ into an opportunity to witness to their neighbors. Without missing a beat, they took the materials that AMEN was working on (before we even had them designed and ready!) and created a handout with a personal message and distributed them to their neighbors.
Andi says, “Our ultimate goal is to gain Bible studies with our neighbors. My approach was to exclude any religion at this point to get them on board with plant-based cooking classes at our home when this pandemic is all done. At that time, we will give them the option of Bible studies.”
Hunsakers chose to use health evangelism as the entering wedge to reach their neighbors who may not be interested if traditional evangelism methods were broached first.
Within a day of distributing these, Andi already received two responses and they were both thrilled, although a bit shocked, that she reached out in this way.
AMEN has created a short handout that includes just a few health principles that can be given out when the ‘Signs of the Times’ full version feels like too much. This simple handout can be personalized like Andi & Bob did or simply given out ‘as is’ to patients in the office, colleagues, etc.
Below is a sample of the letter that Drs. Hunsaker wrote to their neighbors to give you ideas of what you could include.
Witnessing in our immediate sphere of influence is often the most difficult but we believe God is calling us to step out of our comfort zone and trust that He will take the seeds that we plant and nurture them as they grow.
Hello Neighbors, Friends,
No doubt many of you realize that the world is in a crisis of pandemic proportions. A fast-moving virus is raging through countries at break-neck speed. Reports of the Coronavirus are dominating the news and creating fear in the hearts of tens of thousands of people. However, we, as physicians and your neighbors, want to reach out and give you some hope and practical steps you can take to improve your chances of prevention or shortening the symptomatic course, should you become infected.
Life just two months ago, and in fact one month ago, was relatively normal. It is amazing how quickly life, as we know it in this Nation, has changed. Schools suspended, businesspeople working from home, hospitals ramping down elective procedures and surgeries, restaurants and some stores temporarily closed, churches and synagogues closed, to name a few. “Social distancing” has become the new norm. There are new reports just surfacing that younger people (20-40 years of age) are not immune. Anyone with lungs is susceptible to the disease. Reports coming out of Italy indicate that a significant number of millennials have become extremely ill with the disease. Our intent is to offer simple tips for maintaining good health and preventing infection or shortening the symptoms should you contract Coronavirus.
We hope that these tips help and if any of you are interested in how to implement a plant-based diet, we would like to have you over when this is all over for plant-based cooking classes. Sample Recipe on the attached page.
With Kindest Regards, your friends and neighbors
Drs. Bob and Andi Hunsaker
Andi Cell #: (—) —/—-