Joined Together—AMEN Interview

in Winter 2015   |
Published on 01/14/2015   |
3 min | <<|>>

With Richard Lim, DDS

Q: What motivated you to come to AMEN?

I attended an AMEN conference several years ago as a dental student. When I heard it was being held just an hour from where I practice, I was eager to go again.

Q: What new insights did you learn?

I’ve always wanted to treat my patients’ spiritual needs as well as their dental needs but haven’t really put it into practice. At the AMEN conference I was reminded that often the largest obstacle we face in being able to pray with our patients and discuss spiritual matters is the fear of rejection. If we can get rid of our pride and have genuine, humble hearts to serve as Christ did, we can implement spiritual care and introduce Christ to more and more people through our practices.

Q: What were your favorite aspects of the conference?

I thoroughly enjoyed hearing stories about Adventist healthcare professionals who are impacting people’s lives all over the world. Dr. Dosung Kim shared an inspiring testimony on the miracles he experienced after introducing prayer into his practice. Dr. Steve Chang reported on the 6-8 overseas mission trips he takes each year to provide care to underserved populations. My friend Dr. Carlos Morreta gave a powerful testimony of offering to pray with each and every patient. We are tempted to believe that offering prayer to our patients is awkward or even inappropriate. It was a breath of fresh air to learn how fellow colleagues pray with patients on a daily basis. Pastor Finley’s sermon on Sabbath inspired me to eat healthier, which will allow me to think more clearly and to be more efficient in serving my patients.

Q: How will the information you learned directly impact your practice?

I’d like to start sharing literature such as “Steps to Christ” in my waiting room and to pray at our morning staff huddles. I will use my practice to witness, pray with my patients, and introduce the unique messages of our Adventist church such as the Sabbath rest, the state of the dead, and nutrition. I’m confident that witnessing in these ways will ultimately bless me as the provider at least as much as it blesses the patients.

Q: Why would you recommend that another dentist or physician attend AMEN?

I would recommend that my colleagues attend AMEN so they too can be blessed from the mission stories – not just ones taking place overseas but also those happening on daily basis in medical & dental practices all over the United States. I believe any dentist or physician who attends the AMEN conference will be inspired to serve their patients with a different approach – with eternal results!

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to share?

I’ve provided dental care in four countries, and I hope to continue serving all around the world as my career progresses. However, it’s not necessary to go overseas to serve. There are opportunities in our own backyards. It was a blessing to serve at the free clinic at San Diego Academy the weekend before the AMEN conference. It was inspiring to see physicians, dentists, nurses, physical therapists and musicians all working together. I was touched to see Pastor Mark Finley walk all around the gym, offering prayer for refugee patients from all over the world.
I’m thankful for the opportunities AMEN has given me to serve. To quote Dr. Steve Chang’s seminar, my goal is to: “Keep the faith, share the hope, and do all things in love.”

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