
Timothy Arnott, MD

Timothy Arnott, MD, currently serves as medical director of the Rocky Mountain Lifestyle Center in Denver, Colorado. Specializing in family practice, he is a founding member of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. He enjoys helping individuals regain health through plant-based nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle changes. Dr. Arnott and his wife Sylvia have three adult daughters. They enjoy spending time together in nature — formerly in the coral reefs of Guam, and now in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

It Took a Tragedy

in Fall 2021   |
Published on 09/01/2021   |
5 min | <<|>>

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28).

These words came true for me on November 8, 2018. That day the Paradise Camp Fire destroyed our home, ended my medical practice, and left us with little but the clothes on our backs. I was unemployed for nearly six months. Then an email came that would change the way I practice medicine.

Unexpectedly, an invitation came to serve at the Seventh-day Adventist Clinic on Guam. After much prayer, our family agreed to go. While waiting for our paperwork to clear, I developed a new handout that would help lead patients step by step from dealing with their physical concerns to healthful lifestyle practices and to food for the soul.

Up until now, I had only incorporated praying with patients into my medical practice at home. Now I wanted to take the next step and lead them to Christ.

Prior to the Paradise fire I participated in several mission trips including one to Bolivia. This is where I first experimented emphasizing the last “T” of the NEWSTART® principles, Trust in Divine power.

As the translator introduced these souls to our loving God and our only hope of salvation through knowing Him, I was taken aback at their responses!

Patient after patient wept when they heard this precious news. Their reactions impacted me profoundly. I was convicted that the Holy Spirit was guiding as we shared themes of eternal import. I wanted to do this again!

As I transitioned to a new job at the Guam SDA Clinic, I determined I would share Christ with each patient, and how thrilling it was to see them respond as warmly as the patients in Bolivia!
After an office visit one young man went home and shared Jesus with his girlfriend. Though we had never met, she gave me a wonderful endorsement because her boyfriend had learned how to know Christ for himself.

Another patient returned to express how thankful he was to learn about Jesus. After more encounters like these, I was invited to share my experiences with the Guam AMEN members and clinic staff. Though just a learner myself, I felt convicted that God wants us to share Jesus with every patient.

This resolve was soon tested. A man I’ll call Jim came to see me. His foul language and coldness led me to presume he would have no interest in Jesus. I had almost decided not to pray with him, but at the last minute (and against my better judgment) I did offer to pray. He agreed! No sooner had I said amen than Jim literally lunged at me with an outstretched arm. Taking my hand in his, he began shaking it back and forth for all he was worth.

I could hardly believe what was happening. He was so thankful, so appreciative. He said, “This was the best medical visit I’ve ever had.” I thought that was the end, but apparently not.

The Lord delayed my punctual medical assistant’s entrance to the exam room. With her nowhere in sight, I looked around for literature and saw the book, Hero of Hacksaw Ridge. I returned to the exam room and offered him the book. He recognized the title and said, “I saw that movie!” We discussed the film and life of Desmond Doss.

My medical assistant was still absent, so I went in search of more literature and returned with a handout called, “Do You Want to Have Eternal Life?”

At that moment she entered the room. What perfect timing! The man I judged to be far from the kingdom of God was closer than I knew. God was guiding me to share the message of salvation, and he used Jim to help teach me. This is exciting work!

Though we may never know the outcome of many patient interactions, I’ve learned that God is passionate about His medical professionals sharing the message of salvation with their patients.

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