Jim McMillan, MD
What the Lord Has Done
A knock at my office door startles me.
“Come in!” I say.
Until he speaks, I don’t recognize my patient.
Sure, it’s partly the mask,
but also the weight!
“I just want you to see what the Lord has done!
That’s why I came.”
I invite him to sit, remembering . . .
This high school science teacher
with innovative teaching methods,
a heart for kids
started an after-school sports program
for underprivileged children.
His principal didn’t want competition
for the official sports program,
laid him off.
Major depression,
junk food his comfort,
weight gain,
marriage not going well,
wanted to be a dad his kid could respect
but didn’t think he was.
Then his doctor tells him his kidneys are failing,
refers him to me.
We biopsy his kidney in hopes of a treatment.
Mostly scar tissue,
advanced stage,
In hopeless depression he sinks deeper.
I explain how God is my refuge and strength,
offer to pray.
He eagerly accepts.
He asks if he can do anything else.
I talk about his lifestyle — he knows little,
but takes what I say to heart.
We pray often together at our visits.
He asks for prayer before I offer sometimes.
I pray daily for him. He knows.
Starts to make changes.
Sometimes he admits he slips
but gets back up again.
COVID-19 stops our in-person visits for over a year.
He’s afraid to come to the hospital.
But we still meet by phone
and pray.
Kidney function improves significantly.
He takes courage.
Now he sits in my office, a light in his eyes!
“I’ve lost over 100 pounds!
I give God all the credit,” he says.
“One more thing,”
he continues. “Last week,
while sitting in the lab waiting room,
I met another man who has the same problems as I,
diabetes and weight.
I told him what God did for me.
I offered to pray with him.
He accepted Christ!”
As he talks, joy fills my own soul.
God’s kingdom advances again, and again!
My own discouragement melts away.
God can even work through me!
So, who is God using for the salvation of whom?
Patient or doctor?
As usual it is mutual.
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