
Josianne Bailey-Abesamis, MD

Josianne Bailey-Abesamis, MD, MBA, is a Loma Linda School of Medicine ’19 and Internal Medicine Residency Program ’22 graduate. She currently serves as one of the Internal Medicine Chief Residents at Loma Linda University Medical Center and is pursuing a future as a hospitalist and clinician. Her journey through medicine has had its mountains and valleys (as shared on the AMEN Sozo podcast), which she is now grateful for as it has given her the heart to better understand the trials and suffering of her patients. She is married to her best friend, Michael Abesamis, PTA, who shares her hope in Christ. Their prayer is that they will be gifted the opportunities to help make Heaven more full because of how God brings us together to share, encourage, and teach each other through our high and low moments in this life.

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