2nd Quarter 2020
Five Carbs Not to Avoid
Carbs are not all bad. Here are five of the healthiest carbohydrates that you need in your diet.
Alcohol Beverages are Unsafe in Any Amount
A little wine for the stomach’s sake? Not so. The results of the largest study of alcoholic drinks ever conducted anywhere in the world may surprise you.
Dark colored berries are loaded with unique chemical compounds that reduce the risk of cancer and coronary heart disease. Are you in the high berry diet group?
Citrus powerfully prevents cancers and heart attacks?? Citrus?
Complementary & Alternative Medicine
Surviving early stage cancer depends on the choices you make. What is best for you?
The Dark, Devilish, “D” factor of Mind and Character
Nine mental blows of the Devil. They all point to a dark core of character.
Diet Cancer and Nutritional Labeling
Follow the “Nutri-Score” on the label and prevent cancer. A European advance in food labeling.
Depression yields to diet. Don’t let what you eat get you down.
Can you outrun dementia? Cardiovascular fitness preserves your mind.
More than 1000 scientists now doubt the feasibility of Darwin’s evolutionary theory.
Fasting supercharges your immune system. A surge in good health occurs after a fast.
Fiber prevents your first heart attack. Fiber also prevents your second heart attack if you didn’t get the message the first time.
Food Choices to Fight Coronary Heart Disease
Make these diet changes and die of something else rather than a heart attack.
A hearty breakfast helps prevent obesity and cuts your risk of developing diabetes and experiencing a heart attack. Eat up and save your life.
1st Quarter 2020
Air pollution looks the same everywhere, but it is a multi-component soup that varies widely in composition from city to city. Some parts are worse for your health than others.
Secondhand alcohol exposure affects 53 million U.S citizens adversely. Threats, vandalism, strained finances, accidents, and damaged family relationships are all secondary alcohol effects.
Chili Peppers Affect the Brain
Can you believe that eating hot peppers results in poor memory? Science confirms Spirit of Prophecy warnings.
Flavonoid-rich foods reduce the risk of dying from cancer and heart attacks. Here is the proof.
Health and Environmental
Impacts of Food
Foods that are the best for your health have the least adverse impact on the environment.
Here are eight deadly diseases that do not kill anymore thanks to vaccines.
Learning activities later in life turn back the clock and keep your brain young.
There are plastic particles in your food, plastic in what you drink drink, and plastic in the air you breathe.
We are getting sicker. The youth of today are less healthy than the youth of yesterday.
Nuts are high in fat but paradoxically will not make you fat.
Regularly sleeping less than 6 hours a night greatly increases your risk of a heart attack and stroke.
Today, 25% of daily calories come from snacks and not regular food. Here, have a chip!