2009—Faith in Practice
Park Vista Hotel, Gatlinburg, TN |
October 29, 2009 at 5:00pm
The 2009 AMEN conference will focus on practicing personal faith with your patients, staff, and colleagues. The ultimate goal is to share Christ and reflect the character of Jesus. God has given His willing servants unique and ingenious ways to spread the Gospel. It is only done through wisdom from Above. Throughout the weekend we will share non-conventional ways of proclaiming the Good News.
What to expect:
- Biblical devotional messages focusing on your personal relationship with Christ and how God can use you as a medical evangelist.
- Inspirational testimonies from physicians and dentists—you will be motivated and inspired by their experiences.
- Workshops on a variety of topics incl uding: harnessing the resources of the local church, personal finance, family balance, overseas missions, creation science and public evangelism.
- A challenge to fully surrender your personal and professional life to God’s leading.